Display Advertising

Display Advertising

Display Advertising is online advertising using a visual ad on a website.  Most display ads include a headline with promotion or branding message along with a graphic/image, contact information and a button to learn more, buy the product or service or get more information.

These display ads are embedded throughout websites like CNN, Fox News, USA Today, ESPN and the majority of websites.


Standard Ad Sizes

Leaderboard – 728×90

Big Box – 300×250

SkyScraper – 160×600

Mobile – 320×50

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) works with online publishers to develop standards in display advertising to help agencies, media companies and businesses to create ads to use online.  Check out their interactive guide that has detailed advertising specs, a glossary of terms and creative formats.


Types of Display Advertising 

Custom Audience

Choose words or phrases related to the people that are most likely to engage with your site and make purchases by using “custom audiences.” In addition to keywords, custom audiences lets you add URLs for websites, apps, or YouTube content related to your audience’s interests.

Target consumers while they are actively using a Google Gmail account and run ads at the top of the promotions section
In Market
Consumers that are actively researching or comparing products and services online.They are categorized by clicks on related ads and subsequent conversions, along with the content of the sites and pages they visit and the recency and frequency of the visits.
Site Remarketing
Anonymously ‘follow’ your audience after they have visited your website and serve your display ad as they visit other websites
Custom-built network of Content sites by Topic (the websites central theme).
Interest Targeting
Target people whose online behaviors show they share a common interest, like sports or travel.
Mobile GeoFencing
Identify a specific area based on zip codes or radius around a specific location and target ads on mobile devices.
Native Advertising
Target ads through Google’s Publisher Network, Yahoo or MSN. Ads resemble the editorial content and try to blend into the website. Ads are marked sponsored.
Premium Networks
The Premium News Network is an ad network that consists of 2,500 premium content Newspaper, Broadcast, and Magazine sites. Client can add in additional sites target towards their industry

Display Targeting Options

How Does It Work?


Websites use an Ad Server to Place Ads on Website
BUT: Website Traffic Varies each day
AND: Out of Market Advertising has minimal value
SO: Websites Use Ad Networks to Generate Revenue


Display Advertising Examples

Display Advertising Examples